I sit here on my computer awaiting this evening's full moon/eclipse/mercury retrograde event. I have been steadily feeling "crazier" and out of sync. What returns me time and again to balance is the combination of food choice, preparation, activity and other lifestyle choices.
Macrobiotics, to me, offers the concept of balance, yin/yang, inner/outer, up/down etc. Other approaches just seem, to me, to only be about the food and the nutrients in the food. While some think of Macrobiotics as narrow and rigid, I find Macrobiotics to be incredbily expansive with room for dialogue and questions.
Tonight is the cusp of the solstice, a time of deeply turning inward and listening to the small voice. Supposedly the Holiday season beckons us to parties and gatherings. I have always prefered this to be a time of small gatherings and renewals of friendships. A perfect time to share meals lovingly prepared.